Sunday, December 2, 2007

Heart to Heart in Iowa

coots in News 12/02/2007 at 9:54 AM EST
On November 20th Mr. Don Ketchum was attending the last of the Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt Concerts in Iowa benefiting John Edwards, but before the concert began Mr. Ketchum's heart stopped beating, and he was rushed to Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines.
Later on that night Mr. Ketchum was in his hospital bed, his sister sitting beside him, when Senator Edwards came walking into his room to visit him and to provide emotional support for his sister. It would have been very easy for Senator Edwards to move on to his next campaign event, but he chose not to. He felt it was important for him to be there.
Mr. Ketchum recovered to the point where he could attend a John Edwards event in Des Moines earlier today.
If you'd like to read the full story, here's the link. politics/horse-race/entry3562311.shtml
John Edwards certainly has the compassion and the strength of character to be our next president.

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