Friday, December 7, 2007

A Battle For America

We are at war at home. On one side you have the multi-national corporations such as Oil, Gas, Drug, Insurance, and others. On the other side we have the vast majority of American people, the middle class. Do you remember them? This is the group that does most of the working, buying, living, and dying in this country.
The American people have been sold into slavery by many of our elected officials in Washington. Those elected officials have received their payments in the form of political donations. The slave traders are the lobbyist.
This is a second "Great Civil War". The corporations in question want to have absolute power over the American people, and our way of life. This war is not being fought with bullets, but is being fought with corporate money on one side and righteousness, fairness, and compassion on the other side. This is a battle for the heart and soul of America.
In January of 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed the " Emancipation Proclamation" declaring forever that all slaves are free. One hundred and forty years later on another cold January day the caucus goers of Iowa can declare with one clear voice, " we are going to take back America", and the battle begins in Iowa to free the American people from bondage.
All fair minded people of Iowa should support John Edwards for President. John is a warrior who would be our nation's next great president. Edwards possesses the courage and strength of character to take back our country from those greedy corporations that control us. A vote for Edwards is a vote for freedom and our way of life. I support John Edwards. I hope and pray that Iowa does, and then the nation

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