Sunday, December 2, 2007

The most Electable Democrat is Edwards

My first exposure to politics in a sense was with my mom, we were both watching on television the funeral procession of John F. Kennedy. I was sitting on the floor, I just happened to glance over to my mom, and for the first time in my life I saw my mom crying. Kennedy's death was a lost of hope, and promise of what could have been. From that moment on I became a Democrat.
Several years later I was watching the victory speech of Robert Kennedy after he had just won the Democratic Primary in California. In Robert, many people saw a second chance for the hope and the promise for America. The very next morning when I awoke, I flipped on the radio and to my disbelief Robert Kennedy was shot. It was my turn to shed a few tears.
From that day on I became active in the Democratic Party. I was elected as a delegate to my state's Democratic convention on three different occasions, 1980, 1984 and 1992. In the 2000 election, I became a full time volunteer at my local Democratic campaign office. I was there so much the state party decided to put me on their payroll. In the 2002 mid-term election, I was asked to work again, and I was placed on their payroll once again. In the 2004 election I worked as many hours as I could to help Kerry in the general election. So when it comes to politics I am not a complete novice, in what I am about to say, it just might give me a little more creditability.
I have learned over the years to be pragmatic when it comes to politics. I will support the democratic nominee regardless who it is, and I will do whatever I can to help the Democratic Ticket. However, I cannot see how Hillary Clinton or even Obama can win in a general election. Hillary is so despised by the Republicans she would help to unite her opposition. She would do poorly with the independent voters. Obama is to green and he is going to be an easy target for the Swift Boat crowed. For example' his middle name is Hussein his father was a Muslim and the Republican operatives are going to do to him exactly what they did to Harold Ford in the "Call Me" ad.
The Best candidate would be John Edwards. John would be competitive in Blue and many of the red states. Edwards is very articulate and has a great television persona not unlike Robert Kennedy's Edwards has already shown that he has the courage and the compassion and the strength of character to be an excellent President. We should all rally around Senator Edwards he would be the Democrats best, but more importantly our nations best hope.

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