Monday, December 17, 2007

Obama To Timid to be President

In the last Democratic debate the moderator asked each candidate what their New Year resolution is going to be.

In a very honest moment Obama said he had a problem of being to "timid".

The GOP in a general election will go after Obama using Obama's own words against him. A timid candidate to the Republicans is a weak candidate they would just love to go after him. Is Obama to timid to stand up against special interest groups, lobbyist ,bad trade deals, and other nations who would love to do us harm? Wait a second maybe that's what the multi- national corporation want a timid president? The way I see it, it would be a win win situation for the multi- national corporation. If a Republican wins they would have one of their own like Bush in the White House or if Obama would win he would be to timid to stand up to them.

One thing the Democrats do not need is a timid candidate, going up against the Republicans' attack machine.
John Edwards has proven he is not timid and would be a strong candidate for the Democratic Party. The last thing our nations needs with all the Problems we have here at home and abroad, is a timid president.

Here is a quote from Senator Obama during the debate. "And so I have to constantly remind myself not to be timid, not to be distorted by the fears of losing in order to make a real difference in the lives of the American people".

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