Friday, November 16, 2007

You must be Joking Hillary

The Hillary Clinton campaign must be joking accusing John Edwards of acting like Bush. How in hell can they make such an allegation. Hillary acts more like Bush than any of the other Candidates campaigning for the Democratic nomination. She never answers a question with a yes or no response, unless it is a simple question that does not offend her targeted voters. Hillary receives huge amounts of money from insurance and drug industry. She supports the Iraq war by stating she wants to keep combat troops there. Then states that she opposes the war. Hillary has never admitted it was a mistake to go to war and to vote for it.

In Summary: Hillary receiving huge amount of money from the lobbyist that represent the Insurance and drug industry. She talks out of both side of her mouth and she wants to keep combat troops in Iraq. She never admitts when she makes a mistake.

The above summary fits not only Hillary but Bush as well. When Hillary is accusing Edwards of acting like Bush she better look in the mirror.

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