Saturday, November 17, 2007

There's still a year's worth of presidential politics in front of us - followed by about 3 more months of political analysis. Can't wait till it's over. More than that - can't wait till we're done with Bush & Cheney. January 20, 2009 - Oh happy day!
I watched the Democrats debate last night, if you can call it that. The moderator, Wolf Blitzer, didn't seem to have much control. The candidates ignored the time limits placed on them. The Hillary supporters booed anyone that criticized her, as if it were on cue. There really wasn't much substance to the questions or answers.
It seems as if the media is determined to shove Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama down our throats. The questions given to Hillary seemed geared toward helping her clean up her image that was damaged in the last debate and clarify statements she had made to the media and in speeches. When asked if she was "playing the gender card" she said "No," then went on to tell how proud she is to have a chance at the presidency as a woman, and about an elderly lady that said women couldn't vote when she was young and she hoped to live long enough to see a woman president. If that's not playing the gender card, what is?
While Hillary's answers were pretty vague, Obama was a real disappointment. He got a decent amount of air time, but for the life of me, I can't tell you anything that he said. Richardson was unimpressive all around. Kucinich, unfortunately, comes across as a nerd on television, and we all know you can't be president if you don't look good on t.v. Biden and Dodd have the most experience with foreign relations, but the press isn't giving them any attention. (It's all about Hillary and Obama.) Edwards was well-prepared, seemed well-informed, clearly expressed his opinions on the issues, and had the strongest presence.
Biden, Dodd, and Edwards are the best qualified to be president, but the press finds it more important that a woman and a black man are running. Is this novelty really more important than covering all the candidates and letting the PEOPLE decide?

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